Head south for South Head

This winter has been hit and miss. We’ve had periods of widespread snottiness followed by days of fantastic weather. I set off from home for an afternoon return trip to Awhitu and South Head. The weather was darkening, becoming scuddy and cloudy. Moody if you’re a glass-half-full type. I’m not the sort to bail on a ride because of the weather. Plus I was curious. I’ve flown over this area countless times. It’s on the extended centreline for one of the approaches into Auckland.

awhitu mapIt was just on 100km from home to the lighthouse. The riding conditions change rapidly leaving Waiuku. Familiar country roads turn into quite twisty and sometimes off-camber corners. Then you’re into tiger country for the last 20 minutes. Lichen, gravel spray, potholes, two sheep in the middle of the road – redefine what ‘can reasonably be expected’ through here. The most bizarre occurrence was a 30 metre swath of rutted clay across the entire road. A cattle-drive had dragged so much crap onto the seal that it looked like some huge clay glacier had carved its way across the road with contempt. I saw a farmer on a bike a few minutes down track, told him about the loose sheep (insert Hamilton joke) and was about to ask ‘exactly Hwhat do you think you’re doing out here?’ but thought better of it. It was questionable whether he spoke English, let alone Jafa.

I kid, but it was eye-opening.

Awhitu is the township – I bypassed it for the lighthouse, took some pictures (while building a mental case for a new camera) and retraced my route home. I felt out of sorts with the Bumblebee for most of the trip out, but felt smoother coming back. These are the first totally unfamiliar roads I’ve ridden in some time.

The views are absolutely great – on a cracker day, having lunch out there would be pretty damn swish.

I’ve just finished changing the clutch cable and lever on the Bee. Painless. Hopefully that will help the memory of being a comprehensive tool fade into obscurity. Hopefully.

Till the next,



2 responses to “Head south for South Head

  1. Must agree that it’s a gorgeous spot. I think all those poorly signposted back roads on the peninsula are a deliberate ploy by the locals to get you completely lost, then capture you to improve the genetic diversity of the resident population (probably including the sheep) 🙂

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